This Ready to Work Approved Training Catalog is organized by industry to allow for alignment
with high-demand, well-paid jobs. Program information lists training and education courses
that are approved for tuition assistance through the Ready to Work program. These approved
courses are aligned with targeted occupations as determined by the Workforce Solutions Alamo
2021-2024 Local Plan and by the Ready to Work Advisory Board. We encourage residents, training
providers, workforce and community organizations, and employers to review and to provide
continuous feedback. Not all courses will be open and available to all participants. Funding caps
per participant for training include:
Certificate Program, i.e., training resulting in industry-recognized credentials or specialized
training courses: One-time cap of $5,000.00 per Participant
Associate Degree Program: Annual cap of $2,200.00 per Participant; Individual Participant cap of
Bachelor's Degree Program: Available for participants that have already earned at least
30 college credits at the time of intake; Annual cap of $4,100.00 per participant; Individual
Participant cap of $12,300.00
Ready to Work supports the AlamoPROMISE program, which provides last-dollar funding for
graduates from local high schools. Please talk to your intake counselor for details.
Approved expenses include costs directly tied to approved course and program completion.
This includes tuition and fees, and required school supplies and work supplies, such as laptops,
books, testing fees, uniforms, background checks, drug tests, vaccinations, tutoring, review
course (one), and certification and licensing fees.
Tuition funding for Associate or Bachelor's Degree Programs is not available for individuals that
have already earned a Bachelor's Degree.